Friday, January 22, 2010

For the MOMS!

This is for all you moms out there. I'm curious how everyone else handles their homes so I'm hoping I'll get some comments on this blog.
Do you ever feel like a lineworker doing the same thing over and over again?
How many times do you pick up the house?
How many times do you do dishes?
How often do you do laundry?
How many meals a day do you prepare?
What other things do you do throughout the day that are soooo repetitive?
Are you the type that just does one big sweep of the whole house after the day is over? Or do you do it again and again?
I'm just curious how some of us keep our sanity doing the same things over. Don't get me wrong for the most part I love it but some days I think. "Didn't I just do that!" I guess it's one of those days that you watch the snow and wish for that trip that I'm sure most of us are planning to get away from this weather.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baby Movement

Finally this baby is starting to make some serious movements. I thought she was going to be just like her daddy and just chill out in my belly. I was sitting down watching some TV since I actually rule the remote with Tristan out of town, and wow my belly was a moving to the sounds. I love to watch it and feel her going crazy. Sometimes it's super fun to be pregnant! I know in another month I'll be complaining because she'll be huge and pushing on everything but right now it's fun.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I have to write this too while I'm thinking about it. A couple weeks ago Tristan was teaching a lesson to the Elders Quorum and talking about serving others and things like that. He brought up the fact that I've always heard, "Cami (my sister) is the nice one and where does that leave me as the fun one or as not so nice." I've never really struggled with it or anything because let's face is she really is the nice one. Anyway a couple of the men after church came up and said, "I don't know what you're talking about you're totally nice." Kind of fun to hear that I can be the nice one too. hehehehe

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Such fun sisters these two are becoming. I love to watch them become fun friends. They are already excited about having a new baby sister to play with. Avery tells everyone that the doctor messed up and it was supposed to be a brother but we're getting a sister. Still she's excited about a baby in our house!

Friday, January 1, 2010


I think awesome people come into your life at the perfect moment when you need them the most. I know about everyone else but being pregnant some days are not my best moments. It seems I struggle with silly things and get easily overwhelmed. I've been feeling that way lately. The other day I was out shoveling snow feeling sorry for myself when 2 neighbor boys show up and take over shoveling my driveway. I seriously started crying up. Thanks Nate and Jayden for being in the right place and the right time, you guys are awesome!!!!

My other moment with awesome people was 2 days ago. My neighbor, Christine told me her daughter's friend said to her, "She's beautiful." When she told me that I said, "Thanks I think Avery is beautiful too." Christine said, "No she was talking about you." Once again the tears started coming. I don't know about everyone else but I seldom feel beautiful being pregnant. Thanks for making me feel so good!