This is for all you moms out there. I'm curious how everyone else handles their homes so I'm hoping I'll get some comments on this blog.
Do you ever feel like a lineworker doing the same thing over and over again?
How many times do you pick up the house?
How many times do you do dishes?
How often do you do laundry?
How many meals a day do you prepare?
What other things do you do throughout the day that are soooo repetitive?
Are you the type that just does one big sweep of the whole house after the day is over? Or do you do it again and again?
I'm just curious how some of us keep our sanity doing the same things over. Don't get me wrong for the most part I love it but some days I think. "Didn't I just do that!" I guess it's one of those days that you watch the snow and wish for that trip that I'm sure most of us are planning to get away from this weather.
10 years ago