Coming in at a fatness of 9lbs. and 20 inches long. This is our new little sweetheart addition. Marisa Joy Anderson. We had her April 2nd at 1:47 AM. Everything went super well. The epidural took a long time to kick in because he didn't give me enough according to my height but once in did I was loving life.
She's got this fat little face but skinny skinny legs and body. Don't know where she holds the 9lbs but believe me she does.
Her sisters are really excited! When they came to see us Mylee said, "Who that mom" I said "That is your baby sister, Marisa" She said "Oh" Than she looks up at me and scrunches her nose and gives me the thumbs up sign and says "Good job Mom" It was perfect timing and as usual for Mylee, seriously funny!