Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wursten's Golf Cart

Our neighbors, The Wursten's have a golf cart that they take my kids everywhere on, even to church. This is everyone all dressed ready for Sunday Church.
Chalisa and all the kids on a cruise of the neighborhood. They are so good to us!

Hogle Zoo

Last week we had Avery's 6 month eye checkup at Primary Children's. Everything went well and she is actually improving a lot. We were pretty excited. We decided to make a day of it and meet Chris and Karie at Hogle Zoo for the rest of the afternoon. When we pulled into the zoo, Chris pulled in right behind us. Perfect timing. It was such a great day with all the animals out.

Chris with Bridger and Cord behind him.
T with his girls on the merry-go-round
Me and my girls.
Karie, Hudson, Tristan, & Marisa
The girls loved seeing the new baby elephant, Zuri
Marisa was super sweet the entire time. Being a little angel baby!

Avery Mae

This little girl is her Daddy's daughter. She will sleep for 12 plus hours if given the chance and will not stand for anyone to bug her especially Mylee. If she does not like something she will refuse to do it but when she falls in love with something you can't get her to stop. She loves her baby sister and sings to her daily. It's the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Smiley Mylee or The Monster

There are 2 names that describe this child to perfection. They are 'Smiley Mylee' since she is the happiest child I've ever know and 'The Blonde Monster' because she is pure craziness. I lose her on a daily basis. Luckily she can be found at only 2 houses, the Wursten's or the Cole's. She consistently walks right into the Wursten's house to find whatever she needs. She will find Jayden and say, 'Let's have a treat' or she will find Bret recently out of the shower and ask him to wipe her nose, and always find the Wursten women to carry her around, feed her, and play with her.

Getting Married

Avery turned 5 this last week and suddenly looks so big to us. Every time we go to Grandpa and Grandma Anderson's house we have to drive by the temple. And every time we drive by Avery says, "That's where I'll where my white dress and marry Dylan. We hope some day that really happens. Here is Avery and Dylan at her 5 year birthday party. Don't they just look like a match made in Heaven.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blessing Day

On Sunday we blessed our little Miss Riss (her nickname given by Daddy). Tristan did an awesome job and Marisa was a little angel through the entire thing. It turned out to be a great day. She is starting to smile and coo at us so the pictures turned out so fun.
Granny Anne made her blessing dress. I could just die over how adorable it turned out. Good job Granny!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Marisa Joy

Finally I am posting some pictures of my baby. I have to face it that I'm just straight up lazy lately. Anyway these are pictures of Marisa when she was about a month old. She hated getting them done so there are no pictures of the cute tutu that she is wearing but we at least got a couple good shots.