Back in the beginning of married life, T and I made our first married couple friends in our ward. They are Nate and Kami Jordan, Spencer and Natalie Styer. During those first years we spent numerous accounts at each other's house, sharing dinners, watching unbelievable amounts of WWF and working out at the same gym. One of my favorite memories of first meeting the Jordans was of Kami and she had a pink streak in her hair and I thought, she's gorgeous I want to be her friend. She was sitting in front of me in Relief Society. She turned around and introduced herself and said something to the effect that we should be friends. I remember seeing them both at the gym we worked out at. I continued to think these 2 are an amazing couple and continued that thought over the last 10 years of being married. Since than we have all moved apart and kept in touch a bit over email, phone, facebook, etc but as life always goes we didn't keep in touch as good as we should have. On October 1, Nate passed away due to cancer. He had been fighting AML, a horrible type of Leukemia.
We planned the 5 hour drive to Riverton, WY to attend the funeral. As luck would have it we were able to meet the Styer's within seconds of each other a little over halfway into the drive. We a little concern over leaving our truck in the middle of nowhere we hopped in and enjoyed a couple hours of reminiscing over the good old days.

At the graveside we were able to hug and cry and of course leave it to Kami to make us laugh in the middle of tears. How we miss you Kami and of course will miss Nate for years to come.
Nate was a big fan of comics. He especially liked "The Punisher." After the grave was dedicated, Kami and Grace approached the casket. Kami let Grace put stickers on the casket, just like any 5 year old would want to! They put 2 small Superman emblems (for Grace & Scarlett), one large Superman (for Kami), and a Punisher (for Nate.) 
We had to make a stop at the Jordan's gym, Ironworks! This is the place Nate was founder of the "half ton club." Basically means he was amazingly tough and could squat and bench 1,000 lbs. This is Natalie Styer and I trying to be half as tough as Kami has been through this entire trial. We love you Kami and you are an inspiration to us all!

Tristan and Spencer Styer and the Ironworks image that I have to admit resembles Nate a whole lot. Thank you Nate for the friendship and know you will be missed!
In the words of Kami, "Go home and hug your husband! Go hug your kids and your dear friends!